South Africa: shark diving
February 19 - March 1, 2024
12 days
Diving in Aliwal Shoal, safari in the Kwazulu-natal province, diving in Cape Town, getting to know Cape Town
For experienced divers/freedivers
3800 EUR
Diving and freediving with sharks *
We will get to know several species of sharks while diving into the waters of two oceans: the Indian and the Atlantic! We will meet blacktip oceanic sharks, tiger sharks, blue sharks, mako sharks, sevengill sharks, and a bronze shark.

We will dive without cages (except for one time) with experienced guides and instructors.
Diving is possible in both scuba diving and freediving modes.

*diving with sharks is only possible in good weather, so it is possible that not all dives listed in the program will take place.
Cape Town and surrounding areas *
Cape Town is the tourist capital of South Africa and all of Africa. It is regularly included in the ratings of places recommended for visiting, both according to Lonely Planet experts and according to reviews from tourists themselves, for example, on TripAdvisor. The English BBC Travel awarded Cape Town the title of "The most environmentally friendly city", and the publishing house Conde Naste named it "The No. 1 Gastronomic City". All these titles are truly deserved. The city is so cozy and harmonious that most of our tourists, after visiting Cape Town, say: "if it weren't for work, I would have stayed here forever."

We will walk through the neighborhoods of Cape Town with bright colorful houses, visit endless beaches, climb the hallmark of South Africa - Table Mountain, and photograph the sunset on Mount Lion's Head. We will visit the Cape of Good Hope, where the Atlantic and Indian oceans meet.
Children will swim in two oceans, take pictures on the beach with penguins, climb mountains and watch wild animals.

*The land program in Cape Town takes place on days free from diving due to bad weather, so we may not have time to visit all the locations indicated in the program.
Indian and Atlantic oceans
The underwater world of Africa is no less rich and diverse. Near the Cape of Good Hope, two currents collide: the warm Indian Ocean Current and the cold Bengal Current from Antarctica. You can see this meeting for yourself - the water temperature on the eastern coast of the Cape Peninsula is always several degrees higher than on its western coast. Nutrients accumulate near Cape Town, attracting creatures from all over the world's oceans. Here you can see whales, sharks, penguins, fur seals, huge groups of dolphins and countless schools of fish.
Warm beaches of Durban
Our journey starts from Durban airport - this is where the most beautiful sandy beaches and warm ocean are. Almost every day a new endless beach of the warm Indian Ocean with huge waves awaits us!
Safari in Hluhluwe-Umfolozi National Park
Hluhluwe-Umfolozi is one of the largest game reserves in the world, and is home to a huge concentration of wildlife. About 40 years ago, the world-famous Operation Rhino was launched here to save this species. Thanks to this, today the territory of this park is home to more than one-fifth of the world population of the rarest black and white rhinoceroses. The park covers an area of 96,000 hectares and is the fourth largest nature park in South Africa.
The protected area is home to more than 80 species of mammals - African elephant, black and white rhinoceroses, lions, leopards, buffalos, cheetahs, antelopes, giraffes, African wild dog, hippopotamuses, spotted hyena, warthog and many others. More than 300 bird species have been recorded in the park, including the silver eagle, night heron, Shelley's hawk, bustards, Claas's bronze cuckoo, crested barbet and others. We hope to meet, if not all, then most of the inhabitants of the African savannah.
Our team has traveled a lot to different national parks from Namibia to Kenya and knows how to visit such places correctly: to take beautiful photographs and get a dose of adrenaline from the process of tracking animals. No local rangers or established routes! We only have cars, walkie-talkies and enough time to search.
A distinctive feature of the Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Park is that, on the one hand, it is relatively easy to visit, and on the other hand, the animals are in truly natural conditions. These are not nurseries, which are more like zoos. This is real wilderness. We cannot guarantee encounters with all local species, but we promise vivid, memorable emotions. Success depends on your own observation, perseverance and luck.
Saint Lucia Estuary
Saint Lucia Estuary is the largest coastal lagoon in Africa, covering an area of approximately 350 sq km and averaging 90 cm in depth. The park was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in December 1999 and is now home to more than 1,200 Nile crocodiles and approximately 800 hippos . Also on the territory of the Santa Lucia Estuary are rhinoceroses, elephants, kudu, leopards, antelopes, thousands of flamingos, a lot of invertebrates, fish and small animals. The park is home to South Africa's largest breeding colony of white pelicans.

In the center of the park is the city of the same name, St. Lucia, where whole herds of wild hippos walk along the streets in the evening! :) They are, in our opinion, the highlight of this city and they are our main purpose for visiting. We know all the "passwords" for the place where these powerful animals come in the evenings to nibble grass on the lawns of ordinary city residents, where you can watch them at arm's length and even take a selfie with a hippopotamus :)
Day 2 / Diving/freediving at Aliwal Shoal with sharks
Today we have to pick up equipment at the dive center and make two dives with sharks. In the afternoon we will relax on the beach and discuss how our first day with the sharks went.
Day 3 / Diving/freediving at Aliwal Shoal with sharks. Moving to St Lucia. Night city hippo safari
Today we are diving with sharks again! We have two more dives to go. We hope. that today we will see the famous tiger shark! After lunch, transfer to the city of St. Lucia (5 hours).
After dinner, we'll go on a self-guided urban hippo safari! Where else can you see this? Of course, only in Africa! We will watch the most dangerous (statistically) animal in Africa for humans from an arm's length distance, while they peacefully pluck the grass on the neighboring lawn.
Day 4 / Cruise along the Shlyushluva River. transfer to the Slusluwe-Umfolozi National Park.
Early in the morning we will go on a cruise along the river and watch herds of hippos from the water: did you know that hippos run quickly underwater, do it easily with their eyes open and can hold their breath for up to 5 minutes? We will learn this and much more during our exciting journey along the river.
In the afternoon we will make a short drive (2 hours) to the Slusluwe-Umfolozi National Park, where we will check into houses right on the territory of the park, so that even in our free time we can meet antelopes and other animals. In the evening we will go on an independent safari around the park on our cars: we can see African elephants, black and white rhinoceroses, giraffes, zebras, and if we're lucky, lions, leopards, cheetahs and many others.

In the evening - dinner by the fire.
Day 5 / Umfolozi National Park
Today we rise. until dawn, because animals are most active in the morning. You can go in search of animals in the park's open safari car.
In the afternoon we will have lunch at the restaurant, swim in the pool and watch the animals on the territory of our lodge.
In the evening we will go on safari again in our cars;
Dinner by the fire.
Day 6 / Flight to Cape Town
We pack our things and head to the airport. We are about to fly to Cape Town.
Welcome to the second most populous, but first most famous city in South Africa. It was founded in 1652 and served as a transit point for Dutch ships on the way from Europe to India. What epithets are used to address Cape Town: some call it the cultural capital, others – the legislative center (the parliament and other government institutions are located here), and many tourists are sure that it is simply the most beautiful city on Earth. You will soon see this for yourself.
We are primarily interested, of course, not in the city itself, but in its natural surroundings and underwater inhabitants!
Day 7 / Table Mountain, snorkeling with fur seals
We take the cable car to the famous Table Mountain!
Table Mountain is recognized as one of the new wonders of the world and is the hallmark of Cape Town. Its height is 1085 m above sea level, and its silhouette is depicted on the city flag. From the side, the surface of the mountain seems absolutely flat, like the surface of a table, hence the name – Dining Room. This place is visited by absolutely all tourists who come to South Africa.

In the afternoon we will go snorkeling with fur seals! You will be able to swim with these friendly animals, we will rent you snorkeling equipment (free of charge).
Navy SEALs are master divers and will amaze you with their acrobatic abilities. The trip promises to be a lot of fun, swimming with fur seals and not laughing is very difficult. The animals are playful and very responsive. The only question is who is playing with whom?
Day 8 / Penguins, bronze sharks - cage dive.
Today we will dive into a special cage to observe bronze (and if we're lucky, great white) sharks. South Africa used to be the Mecca for watching great white sharks from a cage. but recently killer whales have become more frequent and have driven away all the white sharks.
Also today we will meet a colony of spectacled (or African) penguins! And we will visit the beach where we can swim with them and watch underwater.
Day 9 / Cape of Good Hope, kelp forest dive for sevengill sharks.
Today we will try before dawn to travel to the most southeastern part of the continent - the Cape of Good Hope.

Technically, the Cape of Good Hope is not the southernmost point of Africa, although that is a popular belief. The geographical misunderstanding is explained by the fact that when entering False Bay, ships go around this particular cape. An amazingly picturesque place with soft white beaches alternating with steep cliffs. The mixing of the icy Atlantic Ocean with the warm waters of the Indian Ocean has created a unique coastal environment and one of the most productive marine zones. There is a nature reserve inhabited by rare animals and birds. We will definitely meet ostriches, antelopes, and baboons.

And the main event of the day is an underwater trip to the fabulous mystical kelp forest, where prehistoric sevengill sharks live!
Day 10 / Off-shore diving. Blue sharks and mako sharks.
Today we have a long trip to the open ocean. We will pass the Cape of Good Hope and go far, far away in search of warm currents where blue sharks and mako sharks live. We will dive in the warm clear water of the Atlantic Ocean!
This day will be very long and difficult. We recommend stocking up on anti-motion sickness tablets.
Day 11 / Cape Town city center, wine farm.
A very relaxed and enjoyable trail day. We will go to one of the best wineries around Cape Town. We will taste wine and cheese.
Wine in South Africa is a destination for many travelers. This country knows exactly the date of the beginning of its wine-making history - February 2, 1659, the date when Jean van Riebeeck put his first wine under the press. The idea turned out to be so successful that since then South African winemaking has only flourished. The main share of grape varieties at the moment is occupied by white varieties, and the most common is Chenin Blanc, which is used to make ordinary white table wines. But there is also a unique variety, a real treasure and heritage of the country - Pinotage, from which both light and full-bodied red wines are made with a unique aroma of meadow herbs, prunes and strawberries.

In Cape Town we will visit the most popular attractions of Cape Town: Victoria & Alfred Harbor, the historical heart of the port of Cape Town. Let's take a walk through Bo-Kaap, the "colorful" district of the city where descendants of slaves from Southeast Asia live. Hence the second name – "Malay quarter". Colorful buildings, winding streets, beautiful Muslim mosques. Don't forget to charge your cameras!
Let's take a look at an aquarium that does not use marine mammals (otherwise we wouldn't have looked). In the evening we will have dinner on the embankment.
Day 12 / Flight home
Today we are heading to the airport for our flight home. Along the way we will definitely say goodbye to the ocean!
3800 EUR
February 19 - March 1, 2024
  • Accommodation in hotels and lodges
  • Transfers throughout the program
  • All excursions mentioned in the program (in Cape Town, the land program is subject to change in case of delays in the ocean)
  • Entrances to national parks
  • Diving program
  • Rental of cylinders and cargo
  • Accompanied by guide Tim Trip
Not included
  • International flight to South Africa (program starts at Durban airport)
  • Domestic flight Durban-Cape Town
  • Travel insurance
  • Visa to South Africa (Russian citizens do not need a visa)
  • Nutrition
  • Diving/freediving equipment, excluding cylinders and weights
About country
The average air temperature in Cape Town in February is +20 (at night), +26 (daytime) degrees, in Durban +23 (at night), +29 (daytime) Water in Cape Town 9-24 degrees (depending on the dive site), in Durban +25 Currency: South African rand (ZAR), approximate rate 1 ZAR = 4.75 RUB Type of sockets: M, voltage 220V
What to take with you
  • International passport, printed air tickets
  • Dive certificate
  • Sunscreen
  • Headdress
  • Lightweight trekking boots (or sneakers)
  • Pants, a sweatshirt (it can be cool in the evening)
  • Insect repellent
  • Diving/freediving equipment
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